*This only works if you bought a domain from http://www.GoDaddy.com
 1. Go to the GoDaddy website
2. Under 'Domains' on the menu choose 'My Domains'. This will take you to your GoDaddy domain manager.
# NOTE: at this stage you may be required to login
3. From the 'Domain Manager' interface, click on the domain you want to edit
4. Now click: Click on 'Total DNS Control and MX Records'
5.Now you need to edit your A record. Click on the icon in the section: A("host")
6. In the box where it says "Points To Ip Address:" put the SynthaSite IP: and click OK
Your domain should now point to SynthaSite. You can test if this has worked by typing your domain into your browser. If all has worked correctly you should end up at the SynthaSite homepage. Don't be too worried if this is not the case, bear in mind that DNS changes, like you have just made, can take up to 48 hours to propagate through the internet.

If after 48 hours your domain is still not working as you would like, see the section on domain diagnosis and troubleshooting

* Setup a CNAME
* Set your CNAME alias to: "hosting.synthasite.net".
E.g.www.mydomain.com = hosting.synthasite.net

This will only work if you are not assigning to the base of your
domain. I.e. domain.com will not work but www.domain.com will.

Please Note, it can take up to 48 hours (although usually less) for
these changes to take effect. Please contact your domain registrar
should you require any support relating to this.
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